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What Will Come of Chemin de Fer Counting Cards

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The question being asked today is what is the outlook of card counters in black jack. are the times of card counting done? Many believe so.

Automatic shuffle machines are being utilized in casinos today which makes tracking shuffles or card counting unlikely. The brick and mortar casinos are going to place shuffling machines at the tables.

It is believed that in places like Las Vegas, surveillance cameras are being employed to monitor the abilities of the gamblers and intelligent black jack tables that keep tracks of gamblers hands and game plans utilizing magnetized chips.

The Nevada State Gaming Commission, an group that ensures honest gaming has made a decision that betting houses may not adjust the games in a way that would change the frequency of the pay outs. Since then, many Nevada brick and mortar casinos instruct their croupiers to card count and shuffle as they please, and also almost all of the betting houses keeps information of card counters, this information consists of names and photos to keep them from playing the game.

So what will be the outlook of this blackjack "battle"? is it just beginning or will it before long reach a resolution? Despite all their newest computers, political and monetary affects, I have reason to believe there remains a hope for a happy result. With in excess of twenty-five states within the US allowing blackjack games, there are more profit opportunities for card counting than back in the olden days.